Would she still be alive if...
Choking on words I never said
A gaping void raw and exposed
Sorry I didn't let you know...
I will never become a mother
Alienated from my three beloved grandchildren
Wish you could see me now.
My mama my sister gone forever
My son, you should have lived.
I’m gutted and you are whole.
Need you more than ever now
So many happy memories we made!
So much love, nowhere to go
Dear Nomi Till we meet again
Till death do us part completed
Our "Everyday is an Adventure" ended.
Mum, maybe we'll make another 'Junior'
Death, divorce what do I do?
You died... my breath never returned
In a day, you were gone
This shouldn’t have happened to you
Grief, like Love, is a mystery
I wish you could have stayed
Almost another year for you both...
If only I would have known...
I hope you feel my love
I hope you feel my truth
Candles, candles, candles for you, always
I loved so I grieve.
Divorce is the toughest decision.